A pathway to nervous system healing & expansion


NeuroSonix is a specialized session that uses the technologies of myo-fascial release paired with vibrational therapeutics to release and integrate stored energy in the nervous system.

In such a fast paced world, where we are constantly filling our systems with more experience, more relationships, more toxins, more stress, more more more, it’s crucial we remember how to empty our vessel and cultivate a sustainable energy system.

NeuroSonix achieves this by simultaneously unwinding the fascial planes using gentle pressure, one’s own breath and sound vibration.

This process results in increased nervous system bandwidth and more available energy. 

This leads to greater presence in relationships, mental and emotional clarity, better metabolic function and less stress, anxiety and pain. 

A deeper look…

…into the dynamic duo

  • Myo-Fascial Release

    Whether it’s stressors of daily life such as traffic, relationships, bigger trauma’s, or simply the weight of gravitational forces on the body, myofascial release helps to process a spectrum of emotions and stored energy.

    What is Fascia anyway and why does it matter?

    The Fascial tissue is THE connective tissue of the body. Layers of it connect every muscle to every other muscle, muscle to bone, and muscle and skin. It’s considered THE biggest sensory organ of the body due to it’s plethora of nerve endings contained therein. When an experience happens that our autonomic nervous system isn’t able to fully process at the time of the event, that energy or information is stored for later via the nervous system and fascia for our evolution. When we don’t take the time to FEEL and MOVE the stored energy, it eventually ends up causing dis-ease. This later leading to pain, chronic illness, stress, and anxiety.

    Myo-fascial uses light pressure to sink in to the fascia while holding and listening to your nervous system’s response.

  • Vibrational Therapeutics

    To understand Vibrational Therapeutics we must first think about everything being energy, vibration and frequency. Everything in life including our emotions, thoughts, and even our cells are vibrating at a certain frequency.

    “Stored energy” is synonymous with stagnant or dense energy in the body caused by daily stressors or more complex trauma. Energy wants to move. Sound and vibration is a supportive tool in assisting this movement by pin-pointing density in the body which literally vibrates it to the surface while also breaking it up.

    We use vibration from Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, rattles, a drum and vocal toning to access, connect with, and release this density. This serves to create spaciousness in the nervous system resulting in an overall sense of freedom.

    Sound is a technology that focuses the mind and shifts the brain waves to a state of deep relaxation called Theta. When the mind shifts to theta, this assists the nervous system to down regulate into parasympathetic (rest, digest, renew). The body can then begin to heal itself.

Neurosonix Genesis & Meet the Team

After trading sound healing and Rolfing sessions, Haley and Emerson knew they would be working together in some capacity. After hosting their first event together in June 2023, they developed the technique of NeuroSonix. Since practicing, they’ve witnessed immense power in pairing sound and deep tissue to heal the nervous system. Emerson and Haley have found a sweet spot by attuning

As Emerson and Haley work with each individuals’ system, they attune to the sweet spot of what each person needs that will allow for healing on a Quantum Level.

Ultimately, Haley and Emerson are holding a space for Soul’s to recognize the self-healing potential within.

  • Haley is originally from St.Joseph, Missouri, and moved to Kansas City in 2020 when she received her 200hr yoga teacher certification, which catapulted her into the world of holistic healing. She began her sound healing practice in 2021, which led her to receiving multiple sound healing certifications and a PsychoSynthesis Life Coaching Certification. She is passionate about supporting others on their journey of soul and heart remembrance through Sound and Spiritual Psychology. Her highest intention is to create a safe space for others to feel and experience the presence of God both inside and outside of themselves.

  • Born & raised in Olathe, Kansas, Emerson has a wide array of experience in hands-on work with the human body. Before earning her Doctorate in Chiropractic, Emerson completed her 200hr Yoga teacher training and her certification of Rolfing Structural Integration in Boulder, CO. Emerson ran a full time Rolfing Structural Integration practice in Boulder, CO while also teaching Yoga. Emerson has knowledge & certifications in Network Spinal, Rolfing, Hormone Balancing, Nutrition, Somato-Respiratory Integration (SRI), Craniosacral therapy, Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), among many others.

Book a session today if you are ready to…

  • Increase your levels of awareness while grounding your spiritual awareness

  • Improve your metabolic function, structural alignment, and balance

  • Build sustainable energy levels

  • Feel an overall sense of ease and spaciousness in your nervous system

  • Enhance your ability to adapt to changes in your environment

So you can show up in your relationships with greater presence and devotion.

 What to expect

✔ Plan for 90 mins: 15 mins before to ground your intention, 60 minute session that includes therapeutic touch and Tibetan singing bowls on the body, 15 minutes after to integrate

✔ Guided breath and relaxation techniques to relax the nervous system

✔ Location given upon booking

✔ Investment: $220 (cash, card, venmo), Package options of available

 The Cosmic Artichoke © 2022 - All Rights Reserved.