Bachelorette to Bride, Woman to Wife…

A bachelorette party is a weekend spent with bridesmaids and close friends to celebrate a woman getting married. This often includes a typical party atmosphere with activities that include drinking alcohol and clubbing. Trust me, I’ve had a TON of fun at bachelorette parties where cocktails and clubbing was a priority, there is nothing wrong about this style of bachelorette party. However, I believe the paradigm for these parties are changing. As people are becoming alcohol-free or living a sober lifestyle, they are desiring different activities that aren’t centered around alcohol. Queue SoundBaths, yoga classes, ecstatic dance and mocktails.

When a bride reached out to me to provide a Sound Bath for her Bachelorette Party, requesting a ‘chill vibe’, I immediately said YES.

As someone that has changed her lifestyle from drinking and partying on the weekends to offering healing events and connecting SANS alcohol, I was ALL for this opportunity.

I began to tune in to what this offering would entail. It felt like something more wanted to come through for this experience, it was more than just a sound bath for a bachelorette party. 

So I got to work…

I reached out to a few friend to ask what it meant to them to become a bride and to get married. I wondered if they felt a shift in themselves as they made this lifelong commitment. I asked the bride a few questions to gain more insight into who she was and how to create an intentional experience for her and her closest friends. 

I tapped in to the phases of womanhood, that include Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman and Crone.  It felt odd to go from, Maiden to Mother in this scenario, so I also tapped in to the archetypes of the feminine. There had to be something in between Maiden & Mother. 

A friend shared that “Bride” is a vibration. There is a cultivation of this vibration to be ready to walk down the aisle. I’m not saying that someone has to have this vibration to walk down the aisle. However, I loved the idea of this as it pertained to the sound bath I would facilitate for the bachelorette party. 

What came of it was beautiful ceremony. 

A ceremony where a woman celebrated with her closest sisters, the commitment to joining in Divine Union with the Masculine and the vibrational shift from Bachelorette to Bride. 

We started with a Goddess card deck pull, where each women (if they felt called) grabbed a card. I then asked them to place their intentions for themselves and for the bride inside the roses. Shortly after, I started the sound healing. 

I slowly woke them from the sound healing and guided the bride to the center of the circle. 

I invited each woman to adorn the bride with affirmations about what they love about her as well as their intention filled roses. 

Needless to say, tears were shed and laughs were had. The bride said, “I’ve always wanted to be showered in affirmations, but I can’t facilitate something like that for myself. SO thank YOU! This will be a day that I remember for the rest of my life!”

It was so beautiful to witness the women sharing their hearts. 

This day changed what bachelorette parties mean to me. It gave me a perspective of the sacred nature of what has become mainstream. It showed me that a bachelorette party can be celebration of the sacred passage way a woman takes to become a Bride. 

Are you tired of a typical bachelorette party? Are you looking for an alcohol-free way to celebrate becoming a Bride? Are you looking for something intentional, unique and chill before you said “I DO”? 

See bachelorette package offering here!


How sound evokes emotion…